Punjabi actor Jasraj Bhatti son of famous comedy star Jaspal Bhatti and his long time close friend Surilie Gautam daughter of Director Mukesh Gautam and younger sister of famous bollywood acteress Yami Gautam is getting married on 19 November at Chandigarh. Both the families are close to each other from years. According to sources marriage ceremony will be performed in the presence of close family friends and relatives.
Surilie Gautam weds Jasraj Bhatti |
Jasraj Bhatti and Surlie Gautam was paired together in Jaspal Bhatti’s last Punjabi film Power Cut. On the sudden death of senior Bhatti Surilie had said that both close men of her life are in pain and she is in grief. On the very same day their relationship was came in limelight.
Her elder sister Yami Gautam famous heroin of Vicky Donor will also be present on the occasion. It is learned that few big names of film industry might be attending the function but the names of the celebs has not been confirmed till now.
Jasraj Bhatti weds Surilie Gautam |
Surilie and Yami Gautam are daughters of famous Director Mukesh Gautam, who is know for his social issues based films Akhiyan Udeekdiyan and Eknoor.
Team of JustPanjbi sends its best wishes to Gautam and Bhatti family for this moment of Happiness. Jaspal Bhatti will be missed on this occasion.
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