Hot Punjabi Model and Actress Himanshi Khurana has been admitted in the hospital due to low blood pressure on Sunday from where she was discharged on Monday. After getting discharged from hospital Himashi shared that she was about to die due to low blood pressure. Her senses and Organs stopped working and she felt very low. After leaving the hospital she was ready to go for another shoot.
Himanshi Khurana Ninja after shoot. pic courtesy Himanshi |
For the whole day she participated in Pinda Waley Jatt fame singer Ninja’s new music videos shoot. She said that she will fulfill her commitment. Then latter in the late evening she expressed that she will not be shooting for few days so that she can relax and get her health back.
Beautiful Himashi Khurana has been featured in various super hit punjabi songs like Soch by Hardy Sandhu, Naina de Buhe by Lakhwinder Wadali and recent hit by Ammy Virk titled Taara. This gorgeous model hit the silver screen thru her debute film Sadda Haq. She again enthralled the audience with her beauty and charm thru her latest Punjabi film Leather Life released on 10th April.
Team Just Punjabi wish her a speedy recovery and best health!
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