Now Amrinder Gill’s fans will be seeing and having more of him, with the launch of his official Youtube channel this month. Currently the account boasts of two uploads. The first one being Amrinder Gill’s song ‘Yaarian’ from his upcoming latest album ‘Judaa’. The same song was also presented by Amrinder at the opening ceremony of the Second World Cup Kabaddi – 2011 at Bathinda. Amrinder Gill also uploaded the video of his live performance at the opening ceremony.
This is what is written in the ‘About Me’ section:
Born and raised in village Boorchand Amritsar, Punjab, Amrinder Gill has become a firm favorite with the new generation of Punjabi music fans with his laid back style, up-market video and catchy Punjabi pop tracks, while having a hold over Desi lovers with his range of emotional songs. His breakthrough track “Paigam” established him a voice of the future and he has since gone from strength to strength with hits like “Daru”, “Madhaania”, “Khedan De Din” with Sunidhi Chauhan, and the colossal hits “Mail Kara de ” and “Dildarian”.
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